Why Join UNISON?
Membership costs start at just £1.30 a month.
Advantages Of Membership
If you’re looking for the support of UNISON in uncertain times join us today. Every one of our 1.3 million members has their own reason for joining, but every single one receives all the benefits, help and support we can offer.
Support at home
UNISON’s primary concern is helping and supporting you at work, but we understand that personal problems at home can have a major impact on your work life and may even affect your ability to carry out your job.
UNISON provides services to help members deal with problems beyond the workplace.
Support at work Supporting and protecting our members in the workplace is a key UNISON priority.
We can help with: legal advice; training; pay disputes; compensation.
Essential cover wherever you work
We’re the UK’s largest public service union, with more than 1.3 million members. Join today and you’ll receive our support with membership costing less than you might think. If you’re worried about your job in today’s uncertain times, make sure you get our essential cover before you get to work. Full information here.
Essential cover at work
Membership of UNISON gives you advice, support and assistance in the workplace. Our local teams of advisers, legal experts and experienced negotiators will provide you with help at work when you need it most. Full information here.
Essential cover outside work
Our support doesn’t stop when you leave work. We offer a range of benefits for members and their families outside the workplace too. Full information here.
Training and new skills
UNISON runs a range of education and training courses that are open to all members. Some of the courses help members improve their general skills, for example when using computers, others help you get back into learning, or to play a more active role in the union. So, whether you want to progress your career or learn for fun, UNISON offers you the chance. Full information here.
Your right to join a union
The right to join a union is protected by UK law.
All workers have the right to:
choose to join, or not to join, a trade union;
decide to leave, or remain a member of, a trade union;
belong to a trade union of their choice, even if it is different from the one recognised by their employer;
belong to more than one trade union.
An employer cannot discriminate against you for joining a trade union. You cannot be refused employment, treated unfairly at work or dismissed for joining a trade union.
If your employer does discriminate against you, you may be able to make a complaint to an employment tribunal.
Download the UNISON rulebook for full details of membership eligibility and benefits. UNISON rulebook here.
People like you: typical UNISON members
– Refuse collectors
– Social workers
– Librarians
– School meal workers
– Cleaners
How much does it cost?
UNISON membership costs less than you might think.
How much you pay for your UNISON membership depends on how much you earn. But all our members get the same benefits, support and exclusive offers. (Note: you will need to have been a member for at least four weeks to quality for some of our benefits and help).
Membership costs start at just £1.30 a month. The tables below tell you how much you will pay depending on salary. The tables below tell you how much you will pay depending on salary.
Up to £2,000 £1.30
£2,001 – £5,000 £3.50
£5,001 – £8,000 £5.30
£8,001 – £11,000 £6.60
£11,001 – £14,000 £7.85
£14,001 – £17,000 £9.70
£17,001 – £20,000 £11.50
£20,001 – £25,000 £14.00
£25,001 – £30,000 £17.25
£30,001 – £35,000 £20.30
Over £35,000 £22.50
Apprentices working for the City and County of Swansea can join at a special rate of £10.00 a year.
Essential cover
Advice, support and help when you need it at work
A helpline that is open until midnight (on weekdays, 4pm on Saturdays)
Legal help for you at work and you and your family at home Financial assistance and debt advice in times of need.
Compensation for accidents and injuries at work
A range of exclusive member discounts to save you and your family money when you are shopping, buying insurance or looking for a holiday.
Join UNISON today!
It’s simple to join UNISON and get essential cover wherever you work.
If you want to pay by Direct Debit there are three options for you.
1. Join online at UNISON link here.
2. Call 0800 171 2193 and join instantly.
3. Download an application form and when you fill it in select the “pay by Direct Debit” option.
If you want to pay for your UNISON membership by having the cost deducted directly from your salary, you can download an application form. Download here and select the “deduct from salary” option.
Were you one of them? Join UNISON today and be part of something bigger!
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