About Us
UNISON is Britain and Europe’s biggest public sector union with more than 1.3 million members.
Our members are people working in the public services, for private contractors providing public services and in the essential utilities. They include frontline staff and managers working full or part time in local authorities, the NHS, the police service, colleges and schools, the electricity, gas and water industries, transport and the voluntary sector. Last year (2022) UNISON recruited 137,000 new members – 375 per day.
No matter if you’re new to UNISON or a seasoned activist, the UNISON website provides you with a wealth of interesting information, including how the union is structured and where we direct our energies.
Every member of UNISON belongs to a local branch which is made up of people working for the same employer or sometimes working for the company which is used by the main employer……People like you…..your local branch is CCS UNISON.
Your branch brings you together with other employees who face common issues in the workplace. Branches enable you to get support from the union, work with your colleagues and make your views felt in UNISON.
Workplace stewards and health and safety representatives are the core of the branch. Without them there would be no union to support you at work and negotiate for a better deal. Become a steward or rep.
Branch Life
Each branch is run by a committee which consists of members elected to take on different roles. It’s people like your local UNISON equal pay rep and branch treasurer who build the union and work to win everyone a better deal.
Branches hold regular meetings, including an annual general meeting. This is how people get elected to the branch committee and other UNISON structures.
Your branch produces a newsletter and runs this website to keep the members informed.
Were you one of them? Join UNISON today and be part of something bigger!
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